Friday, September 30, 2011

The Hunger Games

I have been reading SO MUCH lately! :) I love books! They are inspiration, imagination and creativity. Books make your imagination make movies. They inspire you to do things. And most of all they are a symbol of creativity.
I just read The Hunger Games and am now on the second book, let me tell you something, it is AMAZING! It keeps you turning the pages and eating every word. It makes you feel emotion and connect with the characters, it's full of action and has a great story line. I definatly recommend you to read this book.
Let me tell you what it's about....
Katniss Everdeen, a girl who lives in "The Seam", the lowest class in her District, District 12, is the main character. There are 12 Districts. The world has practically crumbled and been ruined, but there are still people who live in these Districts. Discruit 1 and 2 being the one's greatest. Then there is the Capitol, the Capitol is the main thing that basically controls all the other districts and is greatly treated.
Now, to the main part of the story, every year there is The Games, or Hunger Games. Two people, one girl, one guy, is chosen from each District. The games are a violant thing. They are the joy of the Capitol. The Capitol sickens me, you'll learn why if you read the book. Every player in the games must kill the others, or die trying to win the games and become the victor. They have to be the final one standing verses 23 other people.
If only this description of this book caught your attention, I highly recommend you read it, I'm sure you'll like it if you're an action fan, which I am:)
Hope this made you want to read this book, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. If you've read it please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of it. Later peoples! :)

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